
How Google Works

Google is one of the world's most admired companies. I had the privilege of interviewing Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg on their new book
How Google Works

Gabriel Bucataru/Stocksy


Questioning the Decoy

Price is an often over-looked brand touch point. And not because of what it says, but because of what it implies.


Brand Dependence

It's often said that you are what you drive. The latest wave of Brand Dependence research indicates that might be more true than you realize.

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RG&B Images via Stocksy


What your tech brand really needs

For brands, awareness certainly matters, but it is a low-level measure of a brand's true strength. We suggest these five focus areas to truly ensure a brand's longevity and strength.

Moyers & Co.


A Historian's Thoughts on America's Identity

When we think of brand identities we often forget that nations have them, too. Historian Joyce Appleby suggests a profound ideal that lies of the root of the American brand.